Since our launch in 2012, our BCS and Power 5 predictions have been rated the “Most Accurate” in the nation by Stassen.com who has been tracking prediction accuracy for decades.
Our daily, original content on Twitter has built a sizable following of 60,000+ college football fans. That includes hundreds of Division 1 coaches, former Heisman winners, thousands of current/former college players, thousands of high school recruits, and tens of thousands of passionate football fans.
We have been featured TV/radio/podcast guests on shows across the country including: NBC Sports (TV), ESPN Radio, Sirius XM, Fox Sports, The Bill King Show, Sharp & Benning, Bill Riley, the Spartan Beat, the Eyes on B1G, Michigan Podcast, Gators Breakdown, Go Big RedCast among many others.
This is the end result of over 1,000 hours of studying game tape, spring games, local media podcasts, talking to college coaches/coordinators, and developing my advanced stats and Game Grader formula.
I always wanted to do a deep dive into all 65 Power 5 programs, develop next-level stats and graphics, and give the college football fan the most complete preseason publication possible. Finally here in mid-July 2019, I am confident I have achieved that goal.
For a sample of the level of detail, quality, and set of infographics to expect for all 65 Power 5 programs: please check out the Michigan and Florida State team preview pages.
“You gotta take a look at Pick Six Previews, they do a very good job and do their homework. Here’s what I appreciate: some radio guests are too general, don’t know the facts, and don’t do their homework – but these guys do it all! I can tell from their tweets and their research.” - legendary football radio host Bill King |
Made my TV debut on NBC Sports
— Pick Six Previews (@PickSixPreviews) August 1, 2019
“Tons of great info in your book, I’ll be using it all year” - □ @travisdemers
“You have 65 programs/rosters in your head, but you just pulled out the EXACT sentiment of the Oregon fan base. Incredible!” - □ @ChadinRipCity pic.twitter.com/LumyzaDQuT
Steve Deace with HUGE praise for my 2019 Season Preview book:
— Pick Six Previews (@PickSixPreviews) August 7, 2019
“Imagine what you love about Phil Steele’s magazine, but in a far more READABLE form. That’s what I think this is” - □ @MichiganPodcast
Thanks Steve! pic.twitter.com/zHRJbXIhz7